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The Pottery from the IAA Excavations at Tel Mikhal (Tel Michal) (pp. 21–56)
Three main assemblages were identified in the pottery from the IAA excavations at Tel Mikhal: Persian coarse wares, imported pottery and pottery from three kilns (Area B1). The Persian wares, including mortaria, stands, kraters and jars, date to the later part of the Persian period (450–300 BCE). The imported Persian-period wares include decorated sherds of Cypriot or Eastern Greek origin, Attic pottery and undecorated imported vessels, such as amphorae and mortaria, dating to the last three quarters of the fourth century BCE. The pottery from Kiln 461 includes forms typical of the Persian period and miniature-sized (votive?) Persian-period vessels. Kilns 466 and 481 yielded pottery from Middle Bronze Age IIB–C (seventeenth century BCE).