Ḥorbat Rozez is located on the southeastern slope of Ramat Ha-Nadiv, between Zikhron Ya‘aqov and Binyamina. Excavation at the site exposed six strata, dating from the Iron Age (VI), the Persian (V–IV), Hellenistic (III), Byzantine (II) and Mamluk–Ottoman (I) periods. The architectural remains from Strata V–II point to the domestic nature of the buildings. The pottery finds relate to the occupation periods discovered at the site. Worth of mention are an imported jug from Greece or Western Anatolia and a skyphos from the Persian period; decorated jugs from the Hellenistic period; saqiya jars from the Byzantine period; and ceramic-pipe fragments from the Ottoman period.
Carmel, settlement, imported vessels
Recommended Citation
Yannai, Eli
"A Salvage Excavation at Ḥorbat Rozez (pp. 107–137),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 62, Article 8.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1266
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