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Download Chapter 1 Introduction: A Brief History of ‘Akko from the Early Islamic to the Ottoman Periods and a Survey of the Archaeological Research of the Crusader Period / Edna J. Stern and Eliezer Stern (946 KB)

Download Chapter 2 Overview: The Hospitallers and the Hospitaller Compound / Eliezer Stern, Raanan Kislev and Yael Fuhrmann-Naaman (188 KB)


‘Akko III: The Late Periods (two parts: IAA Reports 72–73) comprises the third in a series of volumes publishing the results of four excavations that took place in ‘Akko between 1991 and 1998. While these two volumes deal primarily with the Crusader period, they also present finds from the Early Islamic and Ottoman periods, both elusive chapters in the history and archaeology of ‘Akko. Akko III: The Late Periods, Part 1: the Hospitaller Compound (IAA Reports 72) comprises the final report of the 1991–1998 excavations in the Hospitaller Compound, the largest, longest and most complex of the four excavations. The introduction presents a brief survey of the history of ‘Akko from the Early Islamic to the Ottoman periods, based on documents, maps, engravings and photographs, and a short summary of the archaeological research to date, with a reference map of most of the excavations of the Crusader period in the city. This is followed by descriptions of the above-ground architecture and related analyses, the stratigraphy and excavation results, the small finds and a summarizing chapter that integrates all these studies––history, architecture and archaeology.



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Israel Antiquities Authority




Akko, Crusaders, Crusader architecture, Hospitallers, Ottoman tobacco pipes


Historic Preservation and Conservation | History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology

'Akko III. The 1991–1998 Excavations: The Late Periods. Part I: The Hospitaller Compound
