‘Atiqot is an open access, non-profit thematic journal dedicated to specific topics related to the archaeology of Israel. It is published by the Israel Antiquities Authority three times a year, online and in print. All content published in the journal is subject to double-blind peer-review and language editing. The printed volumes are available for purchase via the IAA website.
Current Volume: Volume 116 (2024) The Archaeology of Cult and Religion
This volume of ‘Atiqot presents several aspects of cult and ritual, reflecting on the important role that religion had played in the development of the region throughout history. Based on the material culture left behind, scholars attempted to reconstruct habits, beliefs and social interactions relating to religious practices. These practices changed over time, introducing new ways in which cult was performed and revealing its implications for everyday life in each society.
Front Matter & Editorial
The Editorial Board
The Emergence of Worship and Religion in the Neolithic Period: Direct and Indirect Evidence from Moẓa (Motza)
Hamoudi Khalaily, Anna Eirikh-Rose, and Ianir Milevski
Go Figure: The Unique Trajectories of Figurine Use and Religious Ideologies in the Middle- and Late-Bronze Age Southern Levant
Matthew Susnow and Joe Uziel
Figurines and Their Makers: A View from a Canaanite Cultic Enclosure at Tel Burna
Jon Ross and Itzhaq Shai
Evidence of Worship in the Rock-Cut Rooms on the Eastern Slope of the City of David, Jerusalem
Eli Shukron, Liora Freud, Helena Roth, Reli Avisar, and Efrat Bocher
An Iron Age IIB–C Hebrew Stamp Seal with Apotropaic and Prophylactic Properties from the Southwestern Corner of the Temple Mount, Jerusalem
Filip Vukosavović, Ronny Reich, Navot Rom, and Yuval Baruch
Nysa-Scythopolis: Founding Cults, Gods and Emperors
Gabriel Mazor and Walid Atrash
Light-Microscopic and Spectroscopic Analyses of the Skin Materials Used in the Tefillin and Mezuzah Slips from the Judean Desert
Yonatan Adler and Theresa Emmerich Kamper
Graffiti and Other Evidence of Bulgarian Pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the Ottoman Period: A Photographic Survey
Michael Chernin and Shai Halevi
Intermediate and Middle Bronze Age Settlement Remains, Domestic Worship, Pits and Burial Practices in Nahal Refaʼim, Jerusalem
Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah and Alexander Onn
Intermediate Bronze Age, Middle Bronze Age II and Iron Age II Pottery from Nahal Refa’im
Lilly Gershuny
Intermediate Bronze Age Fauna from a Suspected Cultic Area at Nahal Refaʼim
Liora Kolska Horwitz
A Byzantine-Period Monastery and Farmhouse in Nahal Pehar (Giv‘ot Bar), in the Northern Negev
Nir-Shimshon Paran
Three Greek Inscriptions from the Monastery at Nahal Pehar (Giv‘ot Bar), in the Northern Negev
Leah Di Segni
A Lead Pilgrimage Ampulla from ‘Akko’s Crusader Harbor
Jacob Sharvit, Bridget Buxton, William H. Krieger, Dror Planer, and Ofra Barkai