Volume 100 (2020) Excavations on the Outskirts of Tel Yafo (Jaffa)
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Pottery of the Ottoman Period: An Introduction (pp. 13–16)
Anna de Vincenz
Remains from Middle Bronze Age II and the Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Crusader, Late Ottoman and British Mandate Periods on Rabbi Yehuda Me-Raguza Street, Yafo (Jaffa) (pp. 17–52)
Yoav Arbel and Lior Rauchberger
Hellenistic- and Early Roman-Period Pottery from Rabbi Yehuda Me-Raguza Street, Yafo (Jaffa) (pp. 53–64)
Peter Gendelman
Unstamped and Stamped Amphora Fragments from Rabbi Yehuda Me-Raguza Street, Yafo (Jaffa) (pp. 65–74)
Gerald Finkielsztejn
Byzantine- and Ottoman-Period Pottery Assemblages from Rabbi Yehuda Me-Raguza Street, Yafo (Jaffa) (pp. 75–119)
Anna de Vincenz
The Crusader-Period Pottery from Rabbi Yehuda Me-Raguza Street, Yafo (Jaffa) (pp. 121–132)
Edna J. Stern
The Glass Finds from the Roman and Crusader Periods on Rabbi Yehuda Me-Raguza Street, Yafo (Jaffa) (pp. 133–138)
Brigitte Ouahnouna
The Zooarchaeological Assemblage from Rabbi Yehuda Me-Raguza Street, Yafo (Jaffa) (pp. 147–151)
Moshe Sade
A Cemetery from the Persian Period and Remains from the Late Roman, Byzantine, Abbasid and Crusader Periods at the French Hospital Compound, Yafo (Jaffa) (Hebrew, pp. 1*–27*; English summary, pp. 533–535)
Ayelet Dayan, Yossi Levy, and Galit Samora-Cohen
Byzantine and Early Islamic Oil Lamps and a Lantern from the French Hospital Compound, Yafo (Jaffa) (pp. 189–209)
Peter Gendelman and Ayelet Dayan
Remains of an Arabic Inscription on a Vessel from the French Hospital Compound, Yafo (Jaffa) (Hebrew, pp. 39*–40*; English summary, p. 537)
Nitzan Amitai-Preiss
Glass Vessels from the Roman, Byzantine and Abbasid Periods at the French Hospital Compound, Yafo (Jaffa) (pp. 211–220)
Brigitte Ouahnouna
Remains from the Hellenistic through the Late Ottoman–British Mandate Periods in the Magen Avraham Compound, Yafo (Jaffa) (pp. 245–277)
Yoav Arbel and Lior Rauchberger
Amphora Stamps from the Magen Avraham Compound, Yafo (Jaffa) (pp. 289–291)
Gerald Finkielsztejn
Ottoman-Period Ceramic Artifacts from the Magen Avraham Compound, Yafo (Jaffa) (pp. 293–347)
Anna de Vincenz
Glass Finds from the Magen Avraham Compound, Yafo (Jaffa) (pp. 349–353)
Brigitte Ouahnouna
Unstamped and Stamped Hellenistic Amphora Fragments from Ben Gamli’el Street, Yafo (Jaffa) (pp. 437–456)
Gerald Finkielsztejn
Remains from the Crusader and Late Ottoman Periods at the French School on Yefet Street, Yafo (Jaffa) (with contributions by Edna J. Stern, Brigitte Ouahnouna, Alexander Glick and Polina Spivak) (pp. 469–496)
Yoav Arbel and Limor Talmi
Ceramic and Porcelain Vessels of the Ottoman Period from the French School on Yefet Street, Yafo (Jaffa) (pp. 497–512)
Anna de Vincenz