Volume 101 (2020)
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Ḥorbat ‘Illin Taḥtit: A Late Early Bronze Age IA–B Settlement in the Bet Shemesh Region (pp. 1–46)
Ron Be’eri, Yitzhak Paz, Nuha Agha, Anat Cohen-Weinberger, and Ariel Vered
The City of David (‘Ir David), Siloam Road: A Plastered Pool adjacent to the Siloam Pool (Hebrew, pp. 71*–86*; English summary, pp. 137–138)
Zvi Greenhut and Gabriel Mazor
The Coins from the City of David (‘Ir David), Siloam Road (Hebrew, pp. 89*–91*; English summary, p. 140)
Donald T. Ariel
Radiocarbon Dating of the Plaster of Siloam Pool in the City of David (pp. 79–81)
Elisabetta Boaretto
Roman-Period Wall Paintings from the Western Quarter at Gamla (pp. 83–120)
Yoav Farhi and Lena Naama Sharabi
A Byzantine-Period Church at Ḥorbat Ḥadat (Hebrew, pp. 93*–118*; English summary, pp. 141–143)
Uzi ‘Ad, Orit Segal, Oren Shmueli, and Rudolph Cohen