Volume 102 (2021)
Front Matter
Editorial Board
El-Munṭar el-Abyad: A Middle Bronze Age IIB Village and a Persian- and Roman-Period Cemetery near Bet She’an (with a contribution by Samuel R. Wolff) (pp. 1–112)
Walid Atrash and Amir Golani
The Middle Bronze Age IIB Ground Stone Tool Assemblage from el-Munṭar el-Abyad (pp. 113–128)
Danny Rosenberg and Barak Tzin
The Flint Assemblage from the Middle Bronze Age IIB Village at el-Munṭar el-Abyad (pp. 129–138)
Zinovi Matskevich
An Agricultural Settlement and Cemetery from the Roman, Byzantine and Mamluk Periods at Gane Ṭal (pp. 145–210)
Yoav Arbel and Uzi ‘Ad
Pottery Assemblages from Gane Ṭal (pp. 211–242)
Anna de Vincenz
The Glass Vessels from Gane Ṭal (pp. 257–272)
Brigitte Ouahnouna
The Coins from Gane Ṭal (pp. 273–284)
Donald T. Ariel
The Metal Finds from Gane Ṭal (pp. 285–288)
Kate Raphael
Four Inscribed Bronze Rings from Gane Ṭal (pp. 289–292)
Nitzan Amitai-Preiss
The Mollusks from Gane Ṭal (pp. 293–296)
Inbar Ktalav