The human skeletal remains from el-Munṭar el-Abyad were found within jars, cist tombs and sarcophagi, representing burials from Middle Bronze Age II, and the Persian and Roman periods. The Middle Bronze Age burials included two jar burials of infants and the burials of three adults in pits, all within the dwelling area. The burials from the Persian period included a child, eight adults and three individuals, and the burials from the Roman period included two adults and six individuals of unknown age.
cemetery, osteology, anthropology, burial practices
Recommended Citation
Nagar, Yossi
"The Skeletal Remains from el-Munṭar el-Abyad (pp. 139–142),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 102, Article 5.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1948
Available at:
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