Volume 103 (2021)
Front Matter
Editorial Board
The Early Bronze Age IB Burials in the Chalcolithic–Early Bronze Age I Cemetery in the Palmaḥim Quarry (pp. 1–43)
Yitzhak Paz, Orit Segal, Ram Gophna, Shmuel Liphshitz, and Anat Cohen-Weinberger
An Early Bronze Age I Site at Ashqelon, Afridar (Area E-2) (pp. 45–89)
Amir Golani and Nir Shimshon Paran
A Zoomorphic Clay Figurine from ‘En Ḥakhlil, Migdal ‘Ha-Emeq (pp. 113–116)
Nadeshda B. Knudsen
Three Iron Age Ceramic Assemblages from the Tel ‘Eton Cemetery (pp. 121–139)
Hayah Katz and Avraham Faust
A Fishpond from the Roman and Byzantine Periods at ‘Illuṭ (Hebrew, pp. 29*–48*; English summary, pp. 205–206)
Edna Dalali-Amos and Yotam Tepper