Excavation within the Early Bronze Age I Site at Ashqelon exposed two EB I occupation strata (III–II). The Stratum III remains consist of disjointed fragments of mud-brick architecture and several pits. The main architectural features in Stratum II include a large architectural complex, probably part of an enclosure, and several pits. The ceramic assemblage of both Strata III and II is associated with the early stages of EB I (EB IA). The intra-site infant burial discovered in the excavation conforms well with other infant burials previously documented at EB I Ashqelon. The ceramic, flint, groundstone, malacological and faunal remains indicate a continuation of the cultural traits from the Chalcolithic period, which is characteristic of EB IA in southwestern Canaan.
southern coastal plain, archaeobotanical remains, terre pisée, radiocarbon dating, metal objects, burial, fauna
Recommended Citation
Golani, Amir and Paran, Nir Shimshon
"An Early Bronze Age I Site at Ashqelon, Afridar (Area E-2) (pp. 45–89),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 103, Article 3.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1931
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