This report presents an assemblage of 227 flint items recovered from Ashqelon, Afridar. Four distinctive industries were observed: Canaanean blades, tabular scrapers, ad hoc tools and bladelet-based tools. The distinctive bladelet-based industry is typical of the late Chalcolithic period, however, at Ashqelon, it seems to represent an early phase of EB I, as suggested by other finds at the site.
southern Canaan, flint, technology, chronology
Recommended Citation
Yaroshevich, Alla
"The Flint Assemblage from Ashqelon, Afridar (Area E-2) (pp. 91–105),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 103, Article 4.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1932
Available at:
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