The excavation in Area N exposed two occupation strata (Strata III and II) dating from Early EB I, which were heavily damaged by later Byzantine-period and modern intrusions (Stratum I). The pottery assemblage comprises three main types: bowls, holemouth jars and storage jars. The vessels are handmade, probably locally produced. Also found were a small assemblage of groundstone artifacts, one small copper-alloy awl, flint artifacts, fauna remains and molluscs. These findings are an important contribution to our understanding of the early stages of the EB I occupation at Ashqelon Afridar, also termed the ‘lost horizon’ or ‘missing link,’ in southern Canaan.
southern coastal plain, plastic decoration, ground stone, mollusks, radiocarbon dating
Recommended Citation
Golani, Amir
"The Early Bronze Age Site of Ashqelon Afridar, Area N (pp. 1–27),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 107, Article 2.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1839
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