The pottery assemblage from the Naḥal Refa’im site originated in three different archaeological contexts: pits, structure(s) and a burial cave. These findings attest that the main period of occupation was during the Intermediate Bronze Age. One pit may have been reused for burial in Middle Bronze Age II, and the burial cave was visited in Iron Age II, possibly by the inhabitants of nearby Khirbat er-Ras.
Intermediate Bronze Age, Middle Bronze Age II, Iron Age II, burial kit, pits, burial goods, Central Hill Family, Southern Family
Recommended Citation
Gershuny, Lilly
"Intermediate Bronze Age, Middle Bronze Age II and Iron Age II Pottery from Nahal Refa’im,"
'Atiqot: Vol. 116, Article 12.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1133
Available at:
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