Several areas at Gamla were excavated prior to the commencement of visitor-oriented development works at the site. In Area B, ‘the Hasmonean Quarter”, the excavation provided a first clue as to the boundaries of this anomalous area. The earliest finds were discovered in Area G, and included band-slipped potsherds, diagnostic of Early Bronze Age IB. Area K yielded the remains of a private mansion, which appears to have been a three-level domestic residence dating from the first century CE. In Area S, the remains of a basilica partitioned into three aisles were unearthed, and identified as a Jewish public building.
Golan, synagogue, Roman architecture, Second Temple period, numismatics, ethnicity
Recommended Citation
Syon, Danny and Yavor, Zvi
"Gamla 1997–2000,"
'Atiqot: Vol. 50, Article 4.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1166
Available at:
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