Excavations undertaken on two hills and an intervening field revealed a Pre-Pottery Neolithic site. On the eastern hill, more than 300 flint objects were retrieved, mostly natural chunks and flakes; no traces of permanent human presence or activity were recorded. On the western hill, 565 lithics were collected, dating to Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA); outcrops of the raw material used for their manufacture were observed on the surface. Numerous flint objects also dating to PPNA were visible on the surface in the intervening field. This site is a new link in the chain of PPNA sites discovered in the Modi‘in area. All the sites are extensive in area, devoid of architectural remains and yielded a large amount of flint artifacts, especially bifacials.
Kaizer Compound, prehistory, typology, cupmarks, flint knapping, Senonian flint
Recommended Citation
Zbenovich, Vladimir
"Salvage Excavations at a Pre-Pottery Neolithic Site at Modi‘in (pp. 1–14),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 51, Article 2.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1178
Available at:
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