Eleven glass vessels were retrieved from two double-arcosolia tombs (T2, T4) near Ḥorbat Zikhrin. The finds from T2 included a bowl, a jar, a bottle and an amphoriskos dating from the fourth–fifth centuries CE. The finds from T4 were free-blown, and included a bowl rim and bottle base from the first–second centuries CE and several beads. An exceptional find is a cast-and-cut seal, dated to the sixth–fourth centuries BCE, which is probably an heirloom attesting to the affluent status of the deceased.
cemetery, burial goods, Persian period, art
Recommended Citation
Jackson-Tal, Ruth E.
"Early Roman and Early Byzantine Glass Vessels from T2 and T4 near Ḥorbat Zikhrin (Hebrew, pp. 59–63; English Summary, p. 76*),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 56, Article 8.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1358
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