Stratum 2 of Kogan-Zehavi’s excavations at Khirbat Deiran yielded pottery dating from the eighth to mid-ninth centuries CE. The earlier, Phase I, pottery included Fine Byzantine Ware and buff-colored vessels, dating from the second half of the eighth century CE. The Phase II pottery was very rich, presenting types common in the ninth century CE: glazed and unglazed bowls, baggy-shaped jars and saqiya vessels, buff-colored jugs and a decorated oil lamp. The ceramic finds from Phase III were dominated by jars. Only a few sherds, including a yellow-glazed bowl decorated with sgraffito, were recovered from Phase IV.
Early Islamic period, ceramics
Recommended Citation
Avissar, Miriam
"The Pottery from Stratum 2 at Khirbat Deiran, Rehovot (Hebrew, pp. 91*–104*; English summary, pp. 173–175),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 57, Article 26.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1769
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