The site, located on the southern spur of the Goral Hills, overlooks the Be’er Sheva‘ Valley. Two structures were discovered dating to Iron Age IIB–C: a dwelling and an adjacent storage building. The dwelling is of the four-room house type, fronted by a courtyard. A staircase south of its opening led to a second story. The pottery finds included mainly tableware, as well as storage vessels. The adjacent storage building is elongated and oriented east–west. It was filled with a layer of collapse overlying an ash layer that contained production waste. The debris probably originated in a pottery workshop or kiln, the production waste of which was found nearby. The pottery finds included primarily holemouth jars.
Sennacherib, agriculture, hinterland
Recommended Citation
Feder, Oded and Negev, Nimrod
"Be’er Sheva‘, Ramot Neighborhood, Site 49 (Hebrew, pp. 1–14; English summary, pp. 59*–60*),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 58, Article 2.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1397
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