In salvage excavations carried out at the site of Naḥal Rimmonin, in the southwestern part of the Jezreel Valley, three superimposed strata were revealed: two dating from the Intermediate Bronze Age and one, to Middle Bronze Age IIA. The pottery repertoire of the Intermediate Bronze Age is typical of contemporary sites in the Jezreel Valley, dominated by bowls, holemouths, cooking pots and storage jars; flint tools were found as well. The MB IIA stratum revealed a domestic structure, beneath the floors of which were interments of infants. The pottery assemblage from this period represents two archaeological contexts: accumulations and burials. This site is informative for the study of rural settlement patterns during these periods in the Jezreel Valley.
rural settlement, burial, agriculture
Recommended Citation
Covello-Paran, Karen
"A Bronze Age Site at Naḥal Rimmonim in the Jeareel Valley (pp. 53–74),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 60, Article 3.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1222
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