A Middle Bronze Age Tomb at Kibbutz Ma‘alē Ha-Hamisha (Hebrew, pp. 15*–20*; English summary, p. 170)
A tomb, unearthed in Kibbutz Ma‘ale Ha-Hamisha, was completely preserved, dating from Middle Bronze Age IIA–B. The tomb yielded numerous finds, some of which were intact. Worth of mention are a Tell el-Yahudiyeh juglet, exhibiting a non-frequent decoration, a rare two-handled amphoriskos and a dagger made of arsenic copper. The finds from the tomb correspond typologically and geographically to the finds in the tombs at nearby Moza.
Jerusalem periphery, Middle Bronze Age, cemetery, burial goods
Recommended Citation
Meitlis, Yitzhaq
"A Middle Bronze Age Tomb at Kibbutz Ma‘alē Ha-Hamisha (Hebrew, pp. 15*–20*; English summary, p. 170),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 62, Article 22.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1498
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