Excavations conducted at a here-to-far unknown site in Holot Yavne revealed building remains and occupation levels from the Persian, Hellenistic, Byzantine, Early Islamic and Mamluk periods, as well as a Persian-period cemetery. Contrary to the meager architectural remains at the site, the finds were abundant, including pottery, glass vessels, metal objects, stone vessels, stone and clay loomweights, coins and a Rhodian stamp seal. Of special interest are a Persian-period, bronze hemispherical bowl in an excellent state of preservation and a mamluk-period copper bowl etched with engravings and drawings.
Persian Empire, domestic finds, metallurgy
Recommended Citation
Gorzalczany, Amir; Barkan, Diego; and Iechie, Livnat
"A Site from the Persian, Hellenistic and Early Islamic Periods at Holot Yavne (with contributions by Yossi Nagar, Gerald Finkielsztejn, Yael Gorin-Rosen, Yitzhaq Hershko, Donald T. Ariel) (Hebrew, pp. 21*–46*; English summary, pp. 171–172),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 62, Article 24.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1500
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