Volume 64 (2010)
Archaeological Surveys and Excavations along the Cross-Israel Highway: An Introduction (pp. 3–4)
Eli Yannai
Prehistoric Investigations along the Cross-Israel Highway: State of Research (pp. 5–23)
Hamoudi Khalaily and Ofer Marder
Remains from the Late Prehistoric to Early Islamic Periods at the Foot of Tel Malot (East) (pp. 25–77)
Giora Parnos, Ianir Milevski, and Hamoudi Khalaily
Petrographic Results of Middle Bronze Age Pottery from a Kiln at Tel Malot (East) (pp. 79–81)
Anat Cohen-Weinberger
An Early Bronze Age Tomb of the ‘Common People’(?) in the ‘En Esur (‘Ein Asawir) Cemetery (pp. 85–112)
Amir Gorzalczany and Jacob Sharvit
Petrographic Analysis of Pottery from the Early Bronze Age Tomb 80 in the ‘En Esur Cemetery (pp. 113–114)
Anat Cohen-Weinberger
Two Stamped Amphora Handles from Ḥorbat Nazur (pp. 125–126)
Donald T. Ariel
Glass Vessels from the Byzantine Period at Ḥorbat Nazur (Hebrew, pp. 99*–104*; English summary, p. 160)
Tamar Winter
The Coins from Ḥorbat Nazur (pp. 127–131)
Gabriela Bijovsky