Five excavation areas were investigated at Ḥorbat Nazur, between Naḥal ‘Iron in the north and Naḥal Narbeta in the south. In Areas A and B the remains of a massive building, dating from the Hellenistic or possibly the Persian period, were uncovered. Area C was probably part of the agricultural hinterland of the settlement, revealing various installations, terrace walls and fences of unknown date. In Area E, two burial caves, quarries and a winepress were unearthed, alldating to the Byzantine period.
building, quarry, winepress, hinterland
Recommended Citation
Yannai, Eli
"Ḥorbat Nazur: Settlement Remains from the Iron Age through the Hellenistic Period and an Industrial Area from the Byzantine Period (with contributions by Roni Tuag and Varda Sussman) (Hebrew, pp. 63*–97*; English summary, pp. 156–159),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 64, Article 11.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1299
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