Volume 65 (2011)
A Cairn Field on the Northern Periphery of Jerusalem (pp 1*–23*)
Yehudah Rapuano and Alexander Onn
A Middle Bronze Age IIB Site in the Kidron Valley, Jerusalem(Hebrew, pp. 1–18; English summary, p. 63*)
Ofer Sion and Zvi Greenhut
An Early Iron Age Cist Grave at Kibbutz Ha-Zore‘a (Hebrew, pp. 47–51; English summary, p. 66*)
Eli Yannai
Ḥorbat Siv: Quarries, Burial Caves, Kilns, Agricultural Installations, Roads and a Columbarium (with a contribution by Yossi Nagar) (Hebrew, pp. 65–87; English summary, pp. 68*–69*)
Kareem Sa'id and Uzi 'Ad
A Burial Cave from the Early Roman Period on Diskin Street, Jerusalem (with a contribution by Ronny Reich) (Hebrew, pp. 93–103; English summary, pp. 71*–72*)
Gideon Solimany, Rafeh Abu Raya, and Ronny Reich
The Fortification System in the Northwestern Part of Jerusalem from the Early Islamic Periodto the Ottoman Period (Hebrew, pp.105–130; English summary, pp. 73*–75*)
Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah
A Cargo of Lead Ingots from an Eleventh–Thirteenth-Centuries CEShipwreck off the Ashqelon Coast (Hebrew, pp. 131–137; English summary, p. 76*)
Ehud Galili and Baruch Rosen
The Complex Winepress at Horbat Siv: Analysis and Interpretation (Hebrew, pp. 89–92; English summary, p. 70*)
Yehoshua Dray
A Middle Bronze Age IIB Site in the Kidron Valley, Jerusalem(Hebrew, pp. 1–18; English summary, p. 63*)
Ofer Sion and Zvi Greenhut
A Cairn Field on the Northern Periphery of Jerusalem (pp 1*–23*)
Yehudah Rapuano and Alexander Onn
An Early Iron Age Cist Grave at Kibbutz Ha-Zore‘a (Hebrew, pp. 47–51; English summary, p. 66*)
Eli Yannai
A Burial Cave from the Early Roman Period on Diskin Street, Jerusalem (with a contribution by Ronny Reich) (Hebrew, pp. 93–103; English summary, pp. 71*–72*)
Gideon Solimany, Rafeh Abu Raya, and Ronny Reich
Ḥorbat Siv: Quarries, Burial Caves, Kilns, Agricultural Installations, Roads and a Columbarium (with a contribution by Yossi Nagar) (Hebrew, pp. 65–87; English summary, pp. 68*–69*)
Kareem Sa'id and Uzi 'Ad
The Complex Winepress at Ḥorbat Siv: Analysis and Interpretation (Hebrew, pp. 89–92; English summary, p. 70*)
Yehoshua Dray
The Fortification System in the Northwestern Part of Jerusalem from the Early Islamic Period to the Ottoman Period (Hebrew, pp.105–130; English summary, pp. 73*–75*)
Shlomit Weksler-Bdolah