At Ḥorbat Borin, on the northwestern outskirts of Baqa el-Gharbiya, five occupational strata were discovered, dating from the Early Roman to the Crusader/Ayyubid periods. Potsherds from the Persian, Hellenistic and Mamluk periods were found as well, out of stratigraphical context, probably pointing to a longer occupation at the site. A hiatus in the sequence of occupation during the fourth–fifth centuries CE remains unexplained.
Crusaders, settlement
Recommended Citation
Sa'id, Abed a-Salam
"Remains from the Early Roman to the Crusader/Ayyubid Periods at Ḥorbat Borin (Hebrew, pp. 1*–16*; English summary, p. 155),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 66, Article 10.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1379
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