The faunal remains from the Sha‘ar Efrrayim burial caves (Nos. 1, 3–5) were attributed to two main periods, in accordance with the other finding in the caves: Late Chalcolithic and Late Chalcolithic–Early Bronze Age I. They comprise a small, but important, sample, representing a wide range of both domestic and wild taxa. These remains seem to be the first convincing evidence of animal offerings in Late Chalcolithic/EB IA contexts in the southern Levant.
archaeozoology, Gazzela horncores, ostrich shells
Recommended Citation
Kolska Horwitz, Liora
"The Faunal Remains from the Burial Caves at Sha‘ar Efrayim (pp. 67–72),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 66, Article 4.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1373
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