Volume 67 (2011)
Naḥal Yarmut: A Late Pottery Neolithic Site of the Wadi Rabah Culture, South of Naḥal Soreq (pp. 1*–29*)
Hamoudi Khalaily
The Rural Hinterland West of Tel Hazor (Hebrew, pp. 27–39; English summary, pp. 84*–85*)
Edna Amos and Nimrod Getzov
An Iron Age and Hellenistic-Period Site near Be’er Sheva‘ (with a contribution by Moshe Sade) (Hebrew, pp. 61–80; English summary, p. 88*)
Yigal Israel and Oded Feder
A Late Tenth-Century Fatimid Coin Purse from Bet She’an (pp. 31*–41*)
Robert Kool, Ariel Berman, Orit Shamir, and Yotam Tepper
Ottoman Clay Tobacco Pipes from Ramla (pp. 43*–53*)
Anna de Vincenz
Coins from the Mamluk and Ottoman Periods at Ramla (pp. 55*–60*)
Robert Kool and Ariel Berman
The Bone and Horn Industry in Late Ottoman Nazareth: The Evidence from Shihab ad-Din (pp. 61*–80*)
Noa Raban-Gerstel, Guy Bar-Oz, and Yotam Tepper