Volume 68 (2011)
Settlement Remains from the Chalcolithic Period and Middle Bronze Age II at Naḥal Guvrin (Hebrew, pp. 1*–32*; English summary, pp. 245–246)
Pirhiya Nahshoni
The Flint Assemblage from Naḥal Guvrin (Hebrew, pp. 33*–36*; English summary, p. 247)
Hamoudi Khalaily
A Rock-Cut Burial Cave from the Early, Intermediate and Late Bronze Ages near Ḥorbat Zelef (pp. 1–46)
Karen Covello-Paran
Scarabs from a Burial Cave near Ḥorbat Zelef (pp. 47–57)
Othmar Keel and Stefan Münger
Provenance of the Early Bronze Age III Khirbet Kerak Ware and Intermediate Bronze Age Vessels from a Burial Cave near Ḥorbat Zelef (pp. 59–63)
Anat Cohen-Weinberger
Human Skeletal Remains from a Burial Cave near Ḥorbat Zelef: A Paleodemographic Study (pp. 65–67)
Yossi Nagar
A Provenance Study of Two Tell el-Yahudiyeh Vessels and Other Middle Bronze Age IIA Pottery Types from Tel Burga (pp. 99–105)
Anat Cohen-Weinberger
Provenance of the Clay Artifacts from the Favissa at ‘En Hazeva (pp. 185–189)
Anat Cohen-Weinberger
The Inscription from ‘En Hazeva (p. 191)
Joseph Naveh
Petrographic Examination of Plaster from the Umayyad Aqueduct to Ramla (pp. 221–225)
Alexander Tsatskin
A Decorated Bronze Platter from Kafr Misr (pp. 227–241)
Sara Lutan-Hassner