The excavation at Naḥal Guvrin yielded 64 flint items, among them 10 tools, 5 from each layer. In addition, two ground-stone tools, made of flint pebbles, were recovered. Although only two strata, from the Chalcolithic period and the Middle Bronze Age, were identified in the excavation, the flint tools hint at the presence of a third occupation phase during the Early Bronze Age.
Shephelah, Negev, flint industry, flake production
Recommended Citation
Khalaily, Hamoudi
"The Flint Assemblage from Naḥal Guvrin (Hebrew, pp. 33*–36*; English summary, p. 247),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 68, Article 2.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1437
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