A seal engraved with a four-winged uraeus was discovered in the area near the Iron Age four-room house in the Western Wall Plaza excavations, Jerusalem. The rendering is schematic, emphasizing the unsophisticated workmanship of the seal. This seal joins quite a few similar late eighth- or seventh-century BCE representations from Judah, hinting at an association of the four-winged uraeus with Yahwistic symbolism.
Jerusalem, Iron Age, art, glyptics, iconography, deity, Bible
Recommended Citation
Ornan, Tallay
"Member in the Entourage of Yahweh: A Uraeus Seal from the Western Wall Plaza Excavations, Jerusalem (pp. 15*–20*),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 72, Article 2.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1586
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