Volume 73 (2013)
Tel Hanan: A Site of the Wadi Rabah Culture East of Haifa (pp. 1–17)
Hamoudi Khalaily and Alla Nagorsky
Petrographic Examination of Selected Pottery Vessels from Ḥorbat Duvshan (pp. 37–39)
Anastasia Shapiro
The Flint Assemblage from Ḥorbat Duvshan (pp. 41–44)
Hamoudi Khalaily
An Iron Age II Burial Cave in the Southern Burial Ground at Tel ‘Etun (Hebrew, pp. 1*–9*; English summary, p. 135)
Sa‘ar Ganor, Amir Ganor, and Ron Kehati
A Lead Coffin from the Roman Period at Ḥorbat Ohad, Kibbutz Bet Guvrin (with a contribution by Natalya Katsnelson) (Hebrew, pp. 11*–18*; English summary, p. 136)
Daniel Varga and Rina Talgam
A Roman Tomb at ‘Ein el-Sha‘ara (pp. 45–52)
Tal Kayesar
Burial Caves from the Early Roman–Early Byzantine Periods at Ben Shemen (with contributions by Uri Baruch and by Israel Carmi and Dror Segal) (Hebrew, pp. 19*–44*; English summary, pp. 137–138)
Oren Shmueli, Eli Yannai, Yifat Peleg, and Yossi Nagar
Wall Paintings from the Late Roman or Early Byzantine Period in Cave 4 at Ben Shemen (Hebrew, pp. 45*–50*; English summary, p. 139)
Talila Michaeli
A Greek Inscription from the Late Roman Period in Burial Cave 4 at Ben Shemen (pp. 67–70)
Leah Di Segni
Remains of a Byzantine and Early Islamic Rural Settlement at the Be’er Sheva‘ North Train Station (with contributions by Natalya Katsnelson and Moshe Sade) (Hebrew, pp. 51*–76*; English summary, pp. 140–142)
Yigal Israel, Gregory Seriy, and Oded Feder
A Crusader-Period Bathhouse in ‘Akko (Acre) (with a contribution by Danny Syon) (pp. 71–108)
Howard Smithline and Edna J. Stern
A Settlement from the Roman–Mamluk Periods at Ḥorbat Yagur (Hebrew, pp. 77*–90*; English summary, p. 143)
Kareem Sa‘id
The Medieval Pottery from Ḥorbat Yagur (pp. 117–126)
Yael D. Arnon
Coins from Ḥorbat Yagur (pp. 127–131)
Robert Kool