A Greek inscription, consisting of four lines, including the term “servants of Christ”, was found in a rock-hewn arcosolium burial cave (Cave 4) in Ben Shemen. The inscription was painted in red on a plastered section of the cave wall that had collapsed from above the eastern arcosolium. Based on palaeography, as well as the type of abbreviations used in the script, the tomb was used in the late third or early fourth centuries CE.
Lod Shephelah, burial, palaeography, Jewish population, Christians, Bar Kokhba Revolt
Recommended Citation
Di Segni, Leah
"A Greek Inscription from the Late Roman Period in Burial Cave 4 at Ben Shemen (pp. 67–70),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 73, Article 11.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1610
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