The site lies in the center of the Korazim Plateau, which extends from the Hula Valley southward to the Sea of Galilee. Three squares were excavated: two (Sqs 1, 3) revealed the remains of very poorly preserved structures dating to the Late Chalcolithic period, and the third (Sq 2), a portion of a structure or complex rich in ceramic finds. The small excavation at Ḥorbat Duvshan is the first in the eastern Galilee to reveal definitive ‘Golan’ affinities: its ceramic repertoire is identical to that of the Golan in its distinctive dark, reddish brown basaltic ware and in its typology.
Golan culture, architecture, pottery, petrography, mortar, flint
Recommended Citation
Smithline, Howard
"Ḥorbat Duvshan: A ‘Golan’ Chalcolithic Site in Eastern Galilee (pp. 19–35),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 73, Article 2.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1601
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