Fifty-eight coins were found during the excavations, all made of bronze; twelve were unidentifiable. The date of the coins conforms to the main settlement phase at the site, i.e., the Late Roman and Byzantine periods; five coins date to the Hellenistic period, and one coin is a solitary Abbasid fals. None of the coins from the Byzantine phase date later than the first half of the sixth century, which may suggest that the site was affected by the plagues that struck the region beginning in mid-542 CE.
Mediterranean coast, numismatics, Egyptian currency, small denomination
Recommended Citation
Ariel, Donald T.
"The Coins from the ‘Third Mile Estate’, Ashqelon (pp. 229–239),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 74, Article 10.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1626
Available at:
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