Two subterranean features were uncovered at Ḥorbat Qastra, situated on the southern outskirts of Haifa: Cave 1070, probably a reservoir, including two adjoining chambers (possibly a ritual bath, miqveh); and Cave 1071, consisting of two chambers, probably intended for dwelling. The caves yielded many restorable glass vessels, as well as pottery, dating from the fourth to seventh/eight centuries CE. The glass finds are characterized by their homogeneous fabric, workmanship and forms, indicating the existence of a local production center. Charred pieces of wood and a few carbonized seeds were found in Cave 1071, belonging to five species that still grow near the site. The late Byzantine faunal assemblage from Ḥorbat Qastra is typical of this period, attesting that the animal economy of the site was based on herding, with little or no hunting. The molluscs encountered at the site originate from the Carmel Mountains, the Mediterranean Sea and the Nile River. The composition of the floral, faunal and malacological remains reflect the inhabitants’ known adeptness in fully exploiting the natural resources located in the site’s environs.
ceramic typology, glass workshop, archaeobotany, archaeozoology, malacology, economy
Recommended Citation
van den Brink, Edwin C.M.; Rutgaizer, Orit; Gorin-Rosen, Yael; Horwitz, Liora K.; Liphschitz, Nili; and Mienis, Henk K.
"Two Roman–Byzantine Subsurface Features at Ḥorbat Qastra (Castra), at the Foot of Mount Carmel (pp. 71–127),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 75, Article 4.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1639
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