

Edna J. Stern


The excavation exposed five primary phases of occupation, dating from the Roman to the Ottoman periods. In Phase 5, accumulations containing Roman- to Fatimid-period pottery were found. In Phase 4, a building was erected, a small part of which was excavated; twelfth-century pottery was found, as well as some residual sherds dating to the Umayyad, Abbasid and Fatimid periods. Phase 3 continued the use of the Phase 4 building, with the addition of walls and the raising of floors; finds on the floor included pottery vessels, glass vessels and a stone mortar, all dating to the thirteenth century. Phase 2 continued the occupation of the Phases 4 and 3 building with some modifications; the pottery from this phase dates to the fourteenth century. Phase 1 is represented by one late Ottoman-period wall. The finds from this excavation yielded much information regarding the material culture and architecture of a domestic quarter in Tiberias during the Crusader, Ayyubid and Mamluk periods.


domestic architecture, medieval pottery, typology, Franks, Muslims, petrography, ceramic quantitative analysis, history, population, ethnicity
