Thirty stamped amphora handles were found in the course of the excavation at ‘Akko, most of them Rhodian, one Cypriot, one Phoenician and two unidentified. Such a collection is quite common in the Southern Levant. Two of the Rhodian stamps date to the second third of the third century; eight, to the last quarter of the third century; four, to the end of the third–beginning of the second century; six, to the first third of the second century; and six, to the middle and the third quarter of the second century BCE. The top of the Cypriot amphora (Cy1) seems to bear the earliest stamp in the collection, probably dating to the beginning of the third century. The unstamped Phoenician handle (Ph1) dates to the end of the third–mid-second centuries BCE.
Mediterranean coast, epigraphy, chronology, Greek names, devices
Recommended Citation
Finkielstejn, Gerald
"Stamped Amphorae Handles from ‘Akko (pp. 105–113),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 76, Article 4.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1649
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