About 100 ceramic oil lamps, many of them complete, were recovered from the excavation at the site of the Bet She’an Youth Hostel. Most were found in fills that could not be related to a specific occupation level while more than half were found in fills in the ‘burial enclosure’. Almost all the lamp types, ranging in date from the Late Roman to the Mamluk periods (third–thirteenth centuries CE), appear in the corpus of the Hebrew University excavations at Bet She’an.
pottery production, Byzantine period, Early Islamic period, Middle Ages
Recommended Citation
Nagorsky, Alla
"The Oil Lamps from Bet She’an (Youth Hostel) (pp. 1*–21*),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 77, Article 5.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1667
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