

The excavations in Area S, within the Early Bronze Age site of Qiryat Ata, revealed four settlement phases, all of which are associated with EB II (General Site Stratum I). Phase 4 consists of several beaten-earth surfaces and a few architectural remains. Two adjacent and nearly complete structures (Structures 1 and 2) were exposed in Phase 3; they appear to have been part of a much larger building complex. In Phase 2, a large architectural unit was unearthed (compound? insula?), comprising several buildings of irregular plan around an open courtyard; the nature of this compound may indicate a public function. Phase 1 included architectural additions and modifications to the pre-existing Phase 2 compound. The architectural remains are evidence of social organization, and the site appears to have been a fully urbanized settlement. The ceramic finds from Area S represent a homogenous assemblage, typical of EB II in northern Israel, as is the flint assemblage. The faunal assemblage indicates primary reliance on domesticated species in the EB II economy of the region.


stratigraphy, cylinder seal, bitumen, ceramic disc, spindle whorls, groundstone objects, Canaanean products
