Four squares (B–C/3–4) were opened in a salvage excavation at ‘En Esur Area I, exposing eight settlement strata. Stratum VIII, dating to the fifth millennium BCE (Wadi Rabah culture) yielded a few fragments of bow-rim jars, grooved potsherds, sherds with rope and painted decorations and a single fragment of a DFBW vessel. Two strata (VII–VI) date from Early Bronze Age IA; the finds include the stone foundation of a rounded building and an early type of gray bowl. Strata V–II, dating to Early Bronze Age IB, include stone foundations of round dwellings. A decorated jar containing an infant burial was found beneath the floor of one of the buildings. These finds are further evidence of the large Early Bronze Age settlement at the site.
architecture, typology, anthropology, burial
Recommended Citation
Yannai, Eli
"Remains of the Wadi Rabah Culture and the Early Bronze Age IA–B at ‘En Esur (‘Ein Assawir), Area I (with a contribution by Yossi Nagar) (Hebrew, pp. 1*–21*; English summary, p. 103),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 85, Article 2.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1732
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