

Svetlana Talis


Four structures and two courtyards were exposed at the site. Structure A is rectangular, of the broad-house type; a round, stone-built installation was discovered in its southwestern corner. Large Courtyard F was exposed to the south of Structure A, and in its western end were the remains of elliptical Structure E, probably a silo. Structure B is elliptical; in its floor were a large flat stone (working surface?), two hearths, a mortar and two querns, as well as pottery and flint tools. Rectangular Structure C was paved with a tamped earth floor, containing two hearths, pottery and flint tools. The eastern end of Courtyard D was exposed to the south of the structure. The ceramic assemblage includes storage and serving vessels, dated between the end of Early Bronze Age IB and the beginning of Early Bronze Age II, stone tools and a stone Senet game board. The site is characteristic of open settlements in the Negev Highlands and the Be’er Sheva‘ and ‘Arad Valleys.


Negev, domestic architecture, pottery, typology, flint, grinding tools
