The glass finds from ‘En Marzev, mostly free-blown, were found alongside pottery, steatite vessels, coins and metal artifacts dating to the seventh–eighth centuries CE. The assemblage comprises bowls, bottles, oil lamps, a wineglass and several windowpane fragments. Also found were remains pointing to a local glass production: glass slags; fragments of the walls of a glass furnace; and two fragments of distorted vessels. The glass vessels date from the late Byzantine period, around 650 CE, to the first decades of the Abbasid period, c. 750–780 CE.
Early Islamic period, technology, industry, glass workshop
Recommended Citation
Lester, Ayala
"The Glass Finds from ‘En Marzev (Hebrew, pp. 83*–98*; English, p. 117),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 86, Article 2.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1743
Available at:
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