

The site, located on the western fringes of the Samariafoothills,lies on the route ofthe Via Maris, as it winds northward from Afeqto Khirbat Yamma and Tel Jatt, and approachesNaḥal ʻIron.Eight excavation squares were opened,uncovering nine strata,from the PotteryNeolithic period (the Yarmukian and theJericho IX and Lodite cultures); from the Wadi Rabah culture;from Early Bronze Age IB; fromEarly Bronze Age II; and from Early Bronze Age III.The layers fromtheearliest strata contained potsherds, flint artifactsand animal bones. The architectural remains of theEarly Bronze Age strata conform toother contemporary structures, some werebuilt with curved walls, somewith curved and straight walls, and some withstraight walls. The pottery tradition of EB IB continuesinto EB II.Thisis manifested in the production technique, the jar types and holemouth jars, andparticularly in the pithoi rim forms. Asubstantialquantity of metallic ware, imported to TelMagal from southern Lebanon and the Hermonfoothills, was also recovered. At the end of EB III, Tell Magal was abandoned and itsrole as an urban center in the northern coastalplain was taken over by Tel Jatt (Gat Carmel).


Sharon plain, stratigraphy, architecture, pottery, stone objects, carbon 14
