The excavation in the dwellings and agricultural installations at Ḥorbat ‘Ofrat in the Lower Galilee yielded nearly 400 glass fragments, about half of which were diagnostic. The finds range in date from the Early Roman to the late Ottoman periods. Most of the finds date from the fourth–early fifth centuries CE (Strata IV and III), comprising bowls, beakers, bottles and jugs, and from the sixth–seventh centuries CE (Strata II and I), including bowls, wineglasses, bottles and lamps. The glass vessels shed light on everyday life in a rural settlement in the Lower Galilee.
Lower Galilee, glass production
Recommended Citation
Winter, Tamar
"The Glass Finds from Ḥorbat ‘Ofrat (pp. 69–82),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 92, Article 3.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1974
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