This article constitutes a report on the numismatic finds from the IAA 2008 excavations at Ḥorbat ‘Ofrat, as well as on a hoard found near the site in 1962, and another small hoard discovered at the same spot in 1972. In the 2008 excavation, 31 bronze coins, 6 of which were unidentifiable, were found, predominately dating to the fourth century CE (Stratum IV). Three coins precede this period: a ‘year two’ pruṭa of the Jewish War and two antoniniani of Gallienus and his wife Salonina. The 1962 hoard dates from the mid-fourth century CE. The coins from the 1972 excavation include a small hoard of eleven Late Roman coins, the latest dating no later than 346 CE, during the Gallus Revolt.
Lower Galilee, numismatics, mint, hoard
Recommended Citation
Bijovsky, Gabriela
"The Coins from Ḥorbat ‘Ofrat (pp. 83–92),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 92, Article 4.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.1975
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