Volume 94 (2019)
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Ḥorbat Nevallaṭ: A Chalcolithic Habitation Site and Agricultural Installations in the Shephelah Foothills (with contributions by Yossi Nagar and Deborah A. Sklar-Parnes, and by Gabriela Bijovsky) (pp. 1–87)
Edwin C.M. van den Brink and Dorit Lazar
The Chipped Stone Assemblage from Ḥorbat Nevallaṭ (pp. 89–105)
Hamoudi Khalaily
The Geological Setting of Ḥorbat Nevallaṭ (pp. 131–136)
Eldad Barzilay
Petrographic Results of Selected Chalcolithic Pottery Vessels from Ḥorbat Nevallaṭ (pp. 137–140)
Anat Cohen-Weinberger
The Archaeobotanical Remains from Ḥorbat Nevallaṭ (pp. 141–144)
Raz Kletter and Edna J. Stern
Khirbat Burin: Rural Life during the Crusader and Mamluk Periods in the Eastern Sharon Plain (pp. 145–217)
Yael Gorin-Rosen
Metal Weights from Khirbat Burin (pp. 241–243)
Nili Liphschitz
The Coins from Khirbat Burin (pp. 245–250)
Donald T. Ariel and Ariel Berman