The salvage excavation in Kefar Gvirol, el-Qubeibe, yielded a small faunal assemblage from late Ottoman-period domestic contexts. The faunal remains from the site were studied in terms of taxonomic composition, livestock demography and butchery practices, with reference to assemblage formation processes. The bones from the site provide a rare glimpse into livestock economy and consumption practices at a rural site of the period.
zooarchaeology, Muslims, livestock demography, hunting, economy, mortality, work animals, butchery, agriculture
Recommended Citation
Marom, Nimrod
"The Faunal Remains from Kefar Gabirol, el-Qubeibe (pp. 209–223),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 96, Article 12.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.2062
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