Volume 97 (2019)
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Middle Bronze Age Burial Pits in Ashqelon (pp. 1–83)
Lilly Gershuny
Petrographic Analysis of Middle Bronze Age II Vessels from the Burial Pits in Ashqelon (pp. 89–96)
Anat Cohen-Weinberger
Anthropological Remains from the Middle Bronze Age Burial Pits in Ashqelon (pp. 97–99)
Yossi Nagar and Lilly Gershuny
Remains from the Mamluk Period in the al-Waṭṭa Quarter, Safed (Ẓefat) (with a contribution by Oded Katz) (Hebrew, pp. 1*–95*; English summary, pp. 271–275)
Edna Dalali-Amos and Nimrod Getzov
A Mamluk-Period Glass Assemblage from the al-Waṭṭa Quarter, Safed (Ẓefat) (pp. 101–153)
Yael Gorin-Rosen
The Coins from the al-Waṭṭa Quarter, Safed (Ẓefat) (pp. 155–223)
Robert Kool and Ariel Berman
Petrographic Examination of Selected Pottery Vessels from the al-Waṭṭa Quarter, Safed (Ẓefat) (pp. 225–233)
Anastasia Shapiro
The Faunal Remains from the Mamluk-Period al-Waṭṭa Quarter, Safed (Ẓefat) (pp. 235–270)
Guy Bar-Oz and Noa Raban-Gerstel