Volume 99 (2020)
Front Matter
Editorial Board
The Late Chalcolithic Pottery and Ground Stone Assemblages from the Western Fringes of Tel Yehud (pp. 1–16)
Edwin C.M. van den Brink
Khirbat Ḥasan: Water Control Systems and Agriculture-Related Activities along Naḥal Har’el (pp. 17–65)
Yitzhak Paz, Rina Avner, Barak Monnickendam-Giveon, Oren Ackermann, and Anat Cohen-Weinberger
A Late Bronze Age II Cist Grave at Tel Qana in the Sharon Coastal Plain (with contributions by Sariel Shalev and Sana Shilstein; Alexander Tsatskin) (pp. 67–84)
Edwin C.M. van den Brink
Remains of the Late Roman to Late Ottoman Periods at Miska in the Southern Sharon (pp. 85–98)
Polina Spivak
Pottery Assemblages from Miska (pp. 99–129)
Anna de Vincenz
A Double-Stamped Zir Handle from Miska (pp. 131–133)
Nitzan Amitai-Preiss
Glass Finds and Remains of a Glass Industry from Miska (135–168)
Yael Gorin-Rosen
The Coins from Miska (pp. 169–171)
Robert Kool
Dwellings from the Byzantine Period at Pi Maẓuva in the Western Galilee (with a contribution by Danny Syon) (Hebrew, pp. 31*–39*; English summary, pp. 182–183)
Gilad Cinamon and Yoav Lerer
Byzantine-Period Pottery Vessels from Pi Maẓuva (Hebrew, pp. 41*–55*; English summary, p. 184)
Yoav Lerer