Two Late Chalcolithic ceramic assemblages were retrieved from two pits exposed at Yehud. The finds include 641 diagnostic potsherds and fragments of basalt bowls and of a basalt grinding stone. It was observed that the same types of vessels reoccur in both pits, although the quantities of each type are significantly different. The pottery and ground stone assemblages from both pits fit the Ghassulian (Late Chalcolithic) aspect of the domestic ceramic repertoire. The V-shaped bowls, fenestrated pedestal bowls, cornets and churns are all hallmarks of the period. The absence from the Yehud assemblage of small, incipient indented ledge handles and pre-firing incised potmarks points to a Late Chalcolithic 1b phase.
coastal plain, protohistory, typology, chronology, groundstone
Recommended Citation
van den Brink, Edwin C.M.
"The Late Chalcolithic Pottery and Ground Stone Assemblages from the Western Fringes of Tel Yehud (pp. 1–16),"
'Atiqot: Vol. 99, Article 3.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.70967/2948-040X.2009
Available at:
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